Hemodiálisis en clínica

Nuestros servicios de hemodialysis dentro de las clínicas tiene horario preferencial para turistas así como servicio 24/7.

Contamos con hemodialysis dentro de hospitales en caso de sentir más seguridad por la cercanía de servicios hospitalarios y de emergencia.

Existe el servicio de medicina interna y NEFROLOGIA con médicos bilingües y certificados.

Hemodiálisis VIP

Se brinda servicio VIP a domicilio para pacientes con difícil movilidad o para pacientes que no quieren exponerse a COVID-19.

Tenemos servicio de shuttle a clínicas y hospitales.

Seguros aceptados

Qué dicen nuestros pacientes

I spent a week of luxury in Mexico. I was very concerned as a United citizen spending a week in this city of the unknown of medical treatment for my hemodialysis. I located the hospital and met with Dr Contreras.  This fine doctor was a book of knowledge and wisdom. The Doctor made my anxiety melt I was there in a country where I did not speak the same language. The Doctor spoke English so well I had no worries as he oversaw this whole clinic with ease. Dr Contreras truly made my vacation to Mexico part of the most memorable. It’s hard to think that a hospital and hemodialysis a great vacation but this man made it the most memorable. Thank you for such a great experience.

Dave Byess
Atlanta, Georgia