Boca de Tomatlán es un pequeño pueblo de pescadores en el municipio de Cabo Corrientes a unos 17 Kilometros (15 a 20 minutos) de Puerto Vallarta.

Sus arenas son aperladas y de textura suave y reciben el reventar de las olas mas tranquilas de toda la bahía, cuenta con casa de Salud equipada para emergencia.

Lo que nos diferencía en Dialysis Vallarta

Aceptamos casi todos los seguros
Hospitales Certificados
Personal altamente calificado

Seguros aceptados

Qué dicen nuestros pacientes

I spent a week of luxury in Mexico. I was very concerned as a United citizen spending a week in this city of the unknown of medical treatment for my hemodialysis. I located the hospital and met with Dr Contreras.  This fine doctor was a book of knowledge and wisdom. The Doctor made my anxiety melt I was there in a country where I did not speak the same language. The Doctor spoke English so well I had no worries as he oversaw this whole clinic with ease. Dr Contreras truly made my vacation to Mexico part of the most memorable. It’s hard to think that a hospital and hemodialysis a great vacation but this man made it the most memorable. Thank you for such a great experience.

Dave Byess
Atlanta, Georgia